If you love series and you love sneakers, you’ll definitely love this one. The pair features the colors of Marge Simpson - blue suede representing Marge’s famous hair, the vibrant yellow is for her skin color and of course the green swoosh is from Marge’s famous green dress. Wear this and the whole of Springfield will envy you!
Now if you’re looking for a shoe that has Marge’s face on it, we are sorry to say this shoe doesn’t give you that. Marge Simpson served as the inspiration for the design of the shoe, and that’s obvious with the choice of colors: heavy blue, green & blue! This hot sneaker represents what Marge’s sneakers would have been if she decided to play "cool" mom in Springfield.
It’s quite ironic however that this shoe inspired by the all American favorite mom is available in Asia and Pacific.
mad colourway
i say it's cool!
nice blog, you got here, i just hope it gets updated more often
nice!!!! how much??
DEy NiCE As HEll,iM TRyNa q3t D3s3.So0 H0w MUCh Du3 DEy C0st????.ii NEEd 2 Kn0 Bkuz iM TRyna match wid a 0utfit n DEse sneakers r Rite 4 da 0utfit!!
I very very like this shoe..How much is it?
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