Saturday, July 7, 2007

LRG - Lifted Research Group

LRG - Lifted Research Group is a clothing company founded in 1999 by Jonas Bevacqua and MC Robert Wright

LRG has a skate team that consist of Karl Watson, Adelmo jr, Chico Brenes, Jackson Curtain and Rob Gonzales.

LRG can be seen to be worn by many celebrities including Kanye West, Crazy A Dynasty and Chris Brown as can be seen his video "Yo (excuse me miss)". (LRG jacket)

"LRG is a company designed to overthrow the masses by using our influence. Our slogan is simple, "underground inventive, overground effective." At LRG we want to focus on the ones that are trying to pay their rent with their passions. Think of us as a support group for the independent culture. We're trying to put the spotlight where we think it really belongs, because it is much more than clothing and concepts, it is a way of living. LRG is innovative essence for the above average person."

LRG- 100% made with love
Respect That!

Chris Brown - Yo(excuse me miss)
Wearing LRG jacket

LRG magazine advertisement

1 comment:

LRG Clothing said...

Beautiful video! Interesting article too!